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Power Rack, Down & Dirty, Final Feast, Apple Burst, Cotton Candy, Lights Out, No Sweat, Honey Hole, Southern Greens, Barricade, Game Changer Clover, Booner Buffet, Roasted Bean Cuisine, Buck Bricks, Turnip, Peas, Sugar Beets, Cereal Rye, Kale, Slam Dunk, Plot Max, Jolt, Clover Fuel, Trophy Deer Rock, Brainiac Block, Energy Plus, Fall-Winter-Spring, Great 8, Lick Magic Bucket, Radish, Rapeseed, Smother, unBEETable Attractant, Attract-n-Fuel, Collard Greens, Kitchen Sink

Our Antler King Products is a Mix of Attractants, Deer Blocks, and Seeds for Plots!

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If you are looking for a specific product, call us and ask @ (608) 527 - 3333

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